First - apologies to those of you who have contacted me to say......where is week 2!!!!!!
Well, here it is.........
Quite an uneventful week as it happens -well, in comparison to last week that is! The phrase "it always looks better once it comes out of the ground" was used as lot this week - and do you know....they are right. Once the blocks and bricks appear then it takes on a whole new character. The other interesting thing is that the footprint, once outlined by the blocks, ALWAYS looks smaller that the finished job - never really understood that one?!?!?!
Building inspector continues to appear happy after each visit - Idon`t talk to him (I let Dan do that) but as I sit watching them, through the dining room window while I`m working on the PC, I`m reminded of scenes from that very funny Eric Sukes film "The Plank" much gesticulating, pointing and head scratching and no audible conversation.
The promised wet weather has also kept away which is brilliant - mind you as I`m writing this, the skies have taken on that look of old weathered church roof lead - so lets not get too confident!!
As ever with any build much discussion has been of creating features that don`t appear anywhere on the plans!! - "can we have that window there now"........ "how about putting some stone on that bit rather than brick"....... "lets make that opening a little wider" .....did I really ask for that?
Many more of those conversations to come I suspect....
So, foundations in, DPC membrane laid, first stage of sub floor on and set, three courses of brick laid - we`re all happy!!!!!
Speak to you all next week with more news of progress
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